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Connect to Online Groups and Support

We are physically distant.  We are socially connected.  

LRMs who are enrolled in the treatment and recovery support services program at Dismas House of Kansas City can continue to participate through online group meetings and telehealth sessions for individual sessions.   For online meetings, you will need the Zoom application.  To download Zoom, go to  From your smart phone, download the Zoom app. 

Enter the Meeting ID number and password.  

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Meeting ID
10:00a - 11:15a Group Counseling Group Counseling Group Counseling Group Counseling 760-834-474
12:00p - 1:15p Biblical Recovery & Spiritual Resources Biblical Recovery & Spiritual Resources Biblical Recovery & Spiritual Resources Biblical Recovery & Spiritual Resources 697-884-295
6:00p - 7:15p Direct Connect Anger Management Personal Development Healthy Relationships 485-608-490

Voluntary Support Meetings

Dismas House of Kansas City is offering special meetings for program participants who want to volunteer to participate in any the special support sessions.  

Time Meeting ID
Freestyle Fridays 7:00p-8:00p 845 9604 5934
Saturday Morning Support Group 11:00a - 12:0op 155-922-087
Sunday Morning Prayer 10:30a - 11:00a 534-239-655

Give us your feedback! 

After attending each of the group meetings, please take a moment to share your thoughts on the group.  It's a great way to let us know what you experienced, and how we can continue to improve the sessions.  Click the button below to connect to the form.  

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